
United Way of Southwest Alabama / President's Desk  / “H” Season Begins June 1

“H” Season Begins June 1

It’s May, and for those of us along the coast, we know that this means the beginning of the “H” SEASON. I can’t even say it or write it, because I cannot imagine a storm on top of the pandemic. However, it is my job to think about these things.  So, I must journey down this path and encourage others to join me.

As we enter this weather period during the pandemic, we need to be ever more conscience of readiness as individuals, families, businesses, nonprofits and governments. The United Way of Southwest Alabama sits on the Mobile County VOAD Committee – Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster. VOAD is a group of national voluntary agencies that collaborate to organize their responses to disaster. 

Each and every day our partner agencies provide critical services their clients that experience their “own daily tropical storms”. After a weather event, many of our partner agencies also provide services to the community at large.  Our partner agencies have tapped out many of their resources during the pandemic and will need additional resources to face the “H” Season.

We ask that you please support the United Way of Southwest Alabama during this crucial time, so that our partner agencies can continue to offer pre-COVID services and needs, additional need during the pandemic and additional services in case of future disasters. 

Click here for Hurricane Planning Information

Donate now or text “BePrepared” to 40403


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