Get your company involved in the community

Partner with United Way

Partnering with United Way is more than just a fundraising effort; it’s a powerful means to empower your employees to make a tangible difference in our community. By participating, your team will not only have the chance to give back effortlessly but also to engage in volunteer opportunities, foster stronger bonds within your team, contribute to causes close to their hearts, and feel a profound sense of purpose working for a company dedicated to local impact.

Inspire employees

Workplace Campaign Resources

Discover how your business, whether it’s a small enterprise, a corporate giant, or a nonprofit entity, can become part of the vibrant network of local businesses and organizations that participate in United Way campaigns annually. Tailored to fit your organization’s unique culture, each workplace campaign offers a customizable approach. Setting up and executing a campaign is straightforward, and our team is here to support you at every stage of the process. Find all the resources you need to launch an effective campaign.

Employee Engagement

When you partner with United Way, you can make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need while strengthening teamwork, boosting morale, and helping build a vibrant and resilient Southwest Alabama.

Ready to jump in?

Organize a Volunteer Activity

Join forces with United Way to strengthen your team and make a lasting difference in Southwest Alabama! Our experienced team will work closely with you to customize your volunteer experience, ensuring it aligns with your employees’ interests and your company’s goals. From identifying volunteer opportunities to coordinating logistics and providing ongoing support, we’re here to guide you through every step of the process.

Manage Your Corporate Volunteering with Volunteer Connect

What is Volunteer Connect?

Volunteer Connect (VC) is a dynamic program designed to ignite the spirit of service within individuals and facilitate meaningful contributions to our community.

Our extensive VC database enables us to effectively match eager volunteer teams with suitable opportunities, ensuring a fulfilling experience for your organization, your employees, and the organizations they support.

What Can Volunteer Connect Do?

  • Provide employees with opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment through engaging in volunteer activities

  • Organize and manage volunteer opportunities

  • Achieve corporate community engagement goals

  • Company profile group creation

  • Diverse project options

  • Established volunteer center solution

  • Connect with local community partners

  • Curated quality projects

  • Impact tracking and sharing

  • Group project activity tracking

How Much Does it Cost?

There is no cost associated with joining Volunteer Connect. Companies can freely access the platform to search for and connect with volunteer opportunities in their area. Additionally, they have the flexibility to appoint administrators to oversee and track listings within their organization, all at no charge.