Strengthening the Community
Our Impact

At United Way of Southwest Alabama, we are dedicated to enhancing lives and strengthening our communities across the region. Through the generous support of donors, grants, and key partnerships, we address critical needs and work towards positive change. Our approach includes strategic planning and ongoing community service programs, ensuring that we are responsive to the diverse needs of our service area. From rural towns to urban centers, and from varying economic backgrounds to diverse cultures, United Way serves everyone, working tirelessly to create a stronger, more vibrant and resilient Southwest Alabama for all.
Our Impact Across the United Way Service Area
Choctaw County
- 9 agencies funded
- $15,600 in grant allocations
- 3,147 people served by partner agencies
- 813 individuals served by United Way programs
Clarke County
- 20 agencies funded
- $90,145 in grant allocations
- 13,050 people served by partner agencies
- 2,404 individuals served by United way programs
Mobile County
- 33 agencies funded
- $1,005,000 in grant allocations
- 168,872 people served by partner agencies
- 33,480 individuals served by United way programs
Washington County
- 19 agencies funded
- $96,000 in grant allocations
- 11,104 people served by partner agencies
- 647 individuals served by United way programs
Key Outcomes
United Way of Southwest Alabama is dedicated to achieving key outcomes that positively impact our community. We strive to provide youth with valuable opportunities, create healthier communities, promote financial security, and enhance overall resilience.
Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of individuals and families across Southwest Alabama.
Early Childhood Development
The Basics Southwest Alabama
5,831 parents and children served
287 participants in The Basics trainings and workshops
24 parent enrolled in The Basics text messaging app
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
196 children served
1,735 books distributed
Community Book Distribution and Lending Libraries
2,687 student received books
8 educational partners for book distribution
13 lending libraries
2,661 individuals received books
2,800 books distributed

Financial Security
1,080 filed tax returns
1,437 people service – included dependents
$1,053,965 returned value
36 volunteers
1,688 volunteer hours
#47,905 economic impact
Resource Support and Crisis Response
United Way 2-1-1
13,964 total calls
27,985 referrals to service providers
Covid Wrap-around Services
348 households served
1,146 individuals served
$888,260 in resources provided
Long Term Recovery Services – Hurricane Sally, Zeta, and Ida
8,392 individuals served
$303,000 in disaster services provided
Ride United – Last Mile Delivery
1,431 deliveries
182 households service
28 pick-up sites

Community Outreach and Engagement
Volunteer Connect
981 volunteer
1,186 volunteer hours
1,766 volunteer need responses
$33,658 economic impact
Day of Caring 2024
45 volunteer teams
165 volunteers
2,702 volunteer hours
30 participating agencies
40 volunteer projects
266 project hours
$80,574 economic impact