get to know us

Leslie C. Schraeder

Leslie C. Schraeder has been an integral part of the United Way of Southwest Alabama since June 2, 2014, contributing nearly 10 years of dedication to the organization. Initially drawn to this role through an invitation to apply, Leslie’s passion for service agencies inspired her desire to make a meaningful impact within the community. Her professional journey began with nonprofit agencies like The Salvation Army of Coastal Alabama, followed by roles at the Elevator Escalator Safety Foundation and Bellingrath Gardens and Home, shaping her diverse skill set and experience.

As a Marketing Specialist & AFL-CIO Labor Engagement Liaison, Leslie’s primary responsibilities encompass all facets of marketing, internal and external communications, and graphic design for UWSWA, and fostering relationships with local unions through engagement and the annual campaign. She strongly believes that her work plays a crucial role in positively impacting the community by enabling the organization to effectively tell its story and secure necessary resources.

The mission of the United Way of Southwest Alabama deeply resonates with Leslie, as she is inspired by the pursuit of a quality life for everyone, ensuring equitable access to essential resources and opportunities. Her work is driven by the core values of social service and social justice, believing that equitable access leads to greater justice for all.

Beyond work, Leslie enjoys spending time with friends and gardening with her husband, Michael. A surprising fact about Leslie is her eclectic taste in music, embracing everything from 80s hits to hip hop, but favoring hard rock bands like Korn, Tool, and Metallica. In the workplace, she thrives in silence when writing and relies on post-it notes for planning.

To aspiring professionals in similar roles or fields, Leslie advocates for seeking mentors, honing expertise, seeking help when needed, and championing for oneself and fellow workers. Her favorite motivating mantra emphasizes the importance of striving for equity: “Not everyone starts on equal footing, if you can help make the world more equitable, you should. Who else will?”

Leslie C. Schraeder embodies the dedication, passion, and commitment to social justice that drive the United Way of Southwest Alabama’s mission, making her an invaluable asset to the organization and the community it serves.