The holidays and the end of the year bring about a nostalgia for holidays’ past and force us to face, all too many times, the things we did and did not do during the year. I feel so much joy and sadness during this time. Joy for the new memories created and sadness for the loss of friends and loved ones. Joy for things accomplished and sadness for things left untended. However, I always face the new year with optimism, hope and a strong desire to make my life better – to organize, to simplify, to live a healthier life in general.
For the new year, 2023, I wish for all who read this peace, joy, and happiness. I wish for each a desire to share your gifts with local schools, with nonprofit organizations, and with civic groups. Someone in this community needs something that you can offer, whether it is reading to school children, volunteering at a local food bank or joining a civic organization. Every one of us has so much to offer. Please use your talents to make Southwest Alabama a better place to call home. Happy New Year!
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